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New warehouse - topping out ceremony

Despite the stormy weather in the past few days, the final work on the shell construction was completed and the topping-out ceremony was celebrated together with guests and employees on February 12, 2020.

After the traditional topping-out speech, a joint toast was given to the new building. Stefan Hüttermann and Dirk Thorand, managing directors of Akkuplanet GmbH, thanked the architects and craftsmen for their good work and the completion of the shell construction on schedule.

The new warehouse with cantilevered office level will be built according to the latest standards. Besides economic and aesthetic aspects, sustainability and environmental friendliness played an important role in the planning. "With the choice of wood as the supporting structure and shell material, the client can easily meet his high demands for sustainability, climate protection and energy efficiency," reports architect Susanne Göbl, from the architectural office of the same name. "The new building undercuts the EnEV requirements by over 35 %. Thanks to the material wood, 134 t CO2 were permanently removed from the atmosphere," Göbl continues. The chosen construction and the high degree of prefabrication of the timber construction made it possible to erect the hall, from the foundations, including roof sealing, in only 6 working days.

The sustainable use of energy has also been a major priority for the project from the very beginning. "Thanks to a photovoltaic system on the entire roof of the new building, we will be able to generate most of our electricity ourselves in future and store it temporarily using battery storage," reports Stefan Hüttermann. "In this way, the hall not only allows us to significantly expand our storage capacity, but also to use electricity from renewable energy sources.

If the interior work continues as ambitiously and well, completion can take place as planned in summer 2020.